Suzy B Software 2
Suzy B Software CD-ROM 2 (1994).iso
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Text File
373 lines
Listing of Data Available on CD-ROM from
the National Space Science Data Center...............................1
Listing of Data Available on CD-ROM from
other NASA Centers or Affiliated Institutions........................4
CD-ROM Order Form.....................................................6
Charge and Service Policy.............................................7
Listing of NASA Data Available on CD-ROM
from the National Space Science Data Center (NSSDC):
Unless otherwise specified, federally-funded and university researchers may
contact NSSDC for data listed in this section:
NSSDC/Goddard Space Flight Center
Code 933.4
Greenbelt, MD 20771
(301) 286-6695, Fax 286-4952
1. Astronomical Catalog Library for stellar and nonstellar sources from
the Astronomical Data Center (ADC). One test disc available in
Flexible Image Transport System (FITS) and ASCII format. New
version in 2-disc set to be available in Fall 1991.
Contact: NSSDC Coordinated Request and User Support Office
Originator: Mr. Lee Brotzman
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
Code 930.3
Greenbelt, MD 20771
(301) 286-6953
2a. Comet Giacobini-Zinner data from the International Halley Watch.
One test disc available in compressed Flexible Image Transport System
(FITS) and Planetary Data System (PDS) format along with ASCII text.
One archival disc to be available no earlier than December
2b. Comet Halley data from the International Halley Watch. Twenty-three
discs in compressed Flexible Image Transport System (FITS) and
Planetary Data System (PDS) format along with ASCII text, to be
available no earlier than December 1991.
Contact: NSSDC Coordinated Request and User Support Office
Originator: Dr. Edwin Grayzeck
University of Maryland
College Park, MD
(301) 405-1539
3. First ISLSCP Field Experiment (FIFE) data from the Pilot Land Data
System (PLDS). One prototype disc available with a subset of satellite,
aircraft and ground based measurements from the Konza Prairie in 1987.
Most data written in ASCII, some image data in compressed form,
decompression software provided with the disc. Image display software
and browse software for point data sets are provided on disc or
associated IBM-PC compatible diskette. Complete data set to be
available on a series of CD-ROMs over the next 18 months.
Data are free to the NASA affiliated research community.
Contact: PLDS User Support Office at GSFC
(301) 286-9761
Originators: Dr. Blanche Meeson |Dr. Don Strebel
NASA/GSFC |Versar, Inc.
Pilot Land Data System |FIFE Information System
Code 934 |Code 923
Greenbelt, MD 20771 |Greenbelt, MD 20771
(301)286-9282 |(301)286-2111
4. Geologic Remote Sensing Field Experiment (GRSFE). Nine discs
available with various aircraft and field measurements of
selected sites in California and Nevada. Data are useful
for studies of the geology and meteorology of the various sites
and for investigations of scattering and emission from surfaces.
Full documentation of the data is provided on the discs themselves,
as described in a cover letter.
Contact: NSSDC Coordinated Request and User Support Office
Originator: Ms. Mary A. Dale-Bannister
Washington University
Campus Box 1169
One Brookings Drive
St. Louis, MO 63130-4899
(314) 935-6652
(314) 935-5679 (alternate)
5a. Magellan mission to Venus data from the Magellan Project and the
Planetary Data System (PDS). Radar mosaic image discs available
in VICAR2 and PDS format. Additional discs containing images,
altimetry and radiometry composite data, and global maps to be
available at a later date.
5b. Pre-Magellan data from the Magellan Project and the Planetary
Data System (PDS). One disc available with radar data for Venus,
Mercury, Mars, Earth and the Moon, together with gravity data
obtained through the Pioneer-Venus Orbiter and the Viking Orbiters.
Contact: NSSDC Coordinated Request and User Support Office
Originator: Dr. Raymond Arvidson
Washington University
Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences
Campus Box 1169
One Brookings Drive
Saint Louis, MO 63130-4899
(314) 935-5609
6. Nimbus-7 Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) ozone data from the
Upper Atmospheric Research Program (UARP). One disc available
with Version 6 data in ASCII format. Second disc containing image
data to be available in Fall 1991.
Contact: NSSDC Coordinated Request and User Support Office
Originator: Dr. Richard D. McPeters
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
Code 916
Greenbelt, MD 20771
(301) 286-3832
7a. Viking Orbiter Images of Mars from the Planetary Data System
(PDS). Two image discs available with compressed and browse images,
more to be available at a later date.
7b. *Viking Orbiter Infrared Thermal Mapper (IRTM) data from the
Planetary Data System. One disc (non-imaging) available in
VAX/VMS and Planetary Data System (PDS) format.
Contact: NSSDC Coordinated Request and User Support Office
Originator: Planetary Data System
NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Mail Stop 525-3610
4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena, CA 91109
(818) 306-6130
*Due to manufacturer's problem, NSSDC is not sure if, or when, more
copies will become available. Check back in six months.
8. Voyager Spacecraft to the Outer Planets from the Planetary Data System
(PDS). Compressed and browse images accessed through the IMage
DISplay (IMDISP) retrieval program.
Uranus (Vols. 1 - 3) -- 6538 images
Saturn (Vols. 4 - 5) -- 4000 images
Jupiter (Vols. 6 - 8) -- 6000 images
Neptune (Vols. 9 -12) -- 10,000 images
Contact: NSSDC Coordinated Request and User Support Office
Originator: Planetary Data System
NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Mail Stop 525-3610
4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena, CA 91109
(818) 306-6130
Listing of Data Available on CD-ROM from other
NASA Centers or Affiliated Institutions:
1. Antarctic Airborne Ozone Expedition (AAOE) data and other
stratospheric data from the Upper Atmospheric Research Program
(UARP). Four discs available: AAOE, the Arctic Airborne Ozone
Expedition (AASE), the Stratospheric Tropospheric Exchange Project
(STEP), and the Appendix A to AASE containing meteorological and
position data taken in ER2 flights. All data are in ASCII, with
documentation on each disc.
Contact: Mr. R. Steve Hipskind
NASA Ames Research Center
Mail Stop 245-5
Moffett Field, CA 94035-1000
(415) 604-5076
2. Joint Education Initiative (JEDI) Earth Science Education discs from
the U.S. Geological Survey. Three discs available with on-line
tutorials. NASA data included are: International Halley Watch (IHW)
data, Nimbus-7 Scanning Multichannel Microwave Radiometer (SMMR) sea
ice data, Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) data, and Voyager
images from the outer planets. Also included is the NASA Master
Directory (MD).
Contact: Dr. Robert Ridky
Geology Department
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742
(301) 405-4090
3. Nimbus-7 Coastal Zone Color Scanner Grids, West Coast Time Series (WCTS)
and the Tropical Ocean Global Atmosphere (TOGA) discs from the NASA
Ocean Data System (NODS). One WCTS disc (Volume 1, Version 2 for
1979 - 1981) available with compressed and browse images of
phytoplankton pigment concentration accessed through the IMage DISPlay
(IMDISP) retrieval program.
Reprocessed and additional data to be available in 1992. One TOGA
disc available with in-situ ocean data in ASCII and GRIB. Six
additional discs in planning for 1985-1990 data.
Contact: Ms. Elizabeth Smith
NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Mail Stop 300-323
4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena, CA 91109
(818) 354-6980
4. Nimbus-7 Scanning Multichannel Microwave Radiometer (SMMR) Irradiance
and Sea Ice parameters in the Special Sensor Microwave/Imager Grid.
One disc containing data for October 29, 1978 through January 31, 1980.
Sensor and grid documentation are contained on the disc, and display
software is provided on a floppy diskette.
Contact: Ms. Claire Hanson
National Snow and Ice Data Center
CIRES, Campus Box 449
University of Colorado at Boulder
Boulder, CO 80309
(303) 492-1834 or 5171
5. Solar Variability Affecting Earth from the National Geophysical Data
Center (NGDC). One disc containing solar flare reports, sunspot
numbers and region histories, total solar irradiance, and solar bursts.
Also included are all geomagnetic and related indices, cosmic ray
observations, and NASA's "OMNI" solar wind and interplanetary magnetic
field values along with model programs. IBM PC-compatible software
accompanies disc to access, decompress, and display data.
Contact: National Geophysical Data Center
325 Broadway
Boulder, CO 80303-3328
(303) 497-6346
6. Space Science Sampler, Volumes 1 and 2 from the Planetary Data System
(PDS). Two discs containing 800 images of Uranus, its rings and
satellites, and 400 files of other space and Earth science data.
Contact: Mr. Randal Davis
LASP, Campus Box 392
University of Colorado
Boulder, CO 80309
(303) 492-6867, Fax 492-5105
CD-ROM Order Form
*** This Form courtesy of The Ulao Project ***
Please return the following form when ordering:
For those requesters who are not eligible for a waiver of charges (see NSSDC
Charge and Service Policy below), the cost for data on the first disc is
$ 20.00 (U.S. dollars) and each additional disc within the same data set is
$ 6.00, plus $ 2.50 shipping and handling. Non-U.S.order please add a
$ 10.00 handling fee. To order, send a check or money order made payable to
ST Systems Corporation or charge to a VISA, MASTERCARD, or AMERICAN EXPRESS.
When ordering, please include your account number, expiration date, telephone
number, your signature on an order form/letter, and the following information:
PLEASE PRINT(if handwriting on hardcopy):
Name (First, Middle, Last):
Organization/Mail Code:
City, State, Zip Code or Country:
Telephone (Area Code) (Number) (Extension):
Fax Number:
Email address:
List required
__ Enclosed check or money order payable to ST SYSTEMS CORPORATION
Card Number __________________________ Exp. Date: ________
Authorized Charge Card Signature: _________________________________________
Card Holder's Name: _______________________________________________________
Public domain software is available for IBM PC compatibles for browsing the
FITS tables or image data on the CD-ROM; third-party shareware is available
for the Apple Macintosh. Please select the software you require:
[ ] IBM PC (5 1/4-inch, 360K) [ ] Mac (3 1/2-inch, 880K)
[ ] Both [ ] Neither
Requesters WITHIHN the United States |Requesters OUTSIDE the
send order to: |United States send order to:
National Space Science Data Center |World Data Center A
Code 933.4 |Rocket and Satellites
Goddard Space Flight Center |Code 930.2
Greenbelt, Maryland 20771 |Goddard Space Flight Center
|Greenbelt, Maryland 20771, USA
For technical assistance, latest price list, and additional information, please
Commerical: (301) 286-6695 FTS: 888-6695
FAX: (301) 286-4952 Email: (DECNET) NSSDC::REQUEST
(INTERNET) request@nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov
National Space Science Data Center Charge and Service Policy
The purpose of the National Space Science Data Center (NSSDC) is to provide
data and information from space and Earth science flight experiments for
studies beyond those performed by the principal investigators. These services
are available to foreign requesters through the World Data Center-A for
Rockets and Satellites (WDC-A-R&S). Normally, a charge is made to cover the
cost of reproducing and processing the requested data. However, as resources
permit, the NSSDC director may waive the charge for modest amounts of data
when they are to be used for scientific studies or specific college-level
educational purposes, and when they are requested by an individual affiliated
1- NASA installations, NASA contractors, or NASA grantees.
2- Other U.S. Government agencies, their contractors, or their grantees.
3- Accredited Universities or colleges
4- State of local governments
5- Nonprofit organizations
Disclaimer of Warranty
The data, documentation, media and other items (hereafter "products") and
services which are furnished pursuant to NASA Contract NAS5-30960 are provided
on an "AS IS" basis. Neither NASA or ST Systems Corporation (STX) makes any
warranty whatsoever in regard to the products or services, their suitability
or accuracy. NASA and STX expressly disclaim all warranties including, but
not limited to, the warranties of Merchantability and Fitness for a Particular
This file is provided as a service of the
ULAO (you-lay-oh) project. Please feel free
to copy and distribute it or upload it to
it to any BBS to which you have access.
The ULAO Project Please mention us when corresponding
1605 Lakeshore Rd. with any of the above data providers
Grafton, WI 53024 (414)-377-8630